Models wanted for photoshoot

​Attention all models in Southern Moravia! We are excited to announce that we are currently seeking models for an upcoming photo-shoot project in the Brno and Southern Moravia regions. As a team of experienced photographers, we are looking for individuals who are interested in collaborating with us on a TFP (Time for Print) basis, as we work together to build and expand our portfolios.

Specifically, we are looking for models who are comfortable with portrait, full-body, and part-body photography, as we aim to capture a variety of stunning shots. Whether you have previous modelling experience or are new to the industry, we welcome all applicants who are passionate about working together to create beautiful, high-quality images.

If selected, you can expect to work closely with our team to coordinate all aspects of the shoot, including the set-up, arrival, and overall shooting process. We value clear communication and professionalism, and we will work with you to ensure that all agreements and expectations are clearly outlined in both phone and written email communications.

In addition to the TFP collaboration, we are also open to the possibility of further business cooperation in the future, as we are always looking to expand our network of talented models and professionals in the industry.

If you are interested in applying for this exciting opportunity, please contact us via our contact page.

Models wanted in Southern Moravia for photoshoot