
Zoo Brno – one of the first visits

My visit to the Zoo Brno was an unforgettable experience. From the moment I arrived, I was struck by the sheer variety of sights and sounds that greeted me. As I wandered through the zoo, I found myself captivated by the many exotic animals on display, from towering giraffes to majestic tigers and everything in between.

Yet, there was much more to the zoo than just its collection of animals. I was delighted to discover a wide array of food stalls and souvenir shops scattered throughout the grounds, each offering a unique glimpse into the culture and traditions of the region.

Street photo in Brno

Capturing street photographs can be a thrilling and challenging experience for any photographer. It requires an ability to quickly observe and react to the surrounding environment while maintaining a sense of creativity and composition.

One such attempt at street photography was made in Brno, where a woman was captured walking down the street. Although it was one of the first attempts, the photo successfully conveys the energy and movement of the city.

Street photography Brno

For many people, a short walk is simply a way to get some exercise and fresh air. But for photographers, a walk can be an opportunity to capture the beauty and energy of the world around them. That was certainly the case for the author during a recent walk through the streets of Brno, Czech Republic.

Short wander in Brno Lisen

A fleeting exploration through Lisen unfolded as I bid farewell to the tram, my friends safely escorted on their homeward journey one chilly afternoon in Brno. Seizing the opportunity during my return, I captured these intriguing photographs. There's a certain allure to the scenes, wouldn't you agree?